<aside> ➡️ Express interest here, and then we'll arrange to book an initial call with your career mentor to decide if this program is for you, and which program you should start with.


We know planning your career can be hard, especially if you’re looking to have a large social impact. That’s why we offer career workshopping programs to help guide you through our process for pursuing a high-impact career.

When you start to take part in our Career Programming, you will be given an EA career mentor, who will stay with you throughout the process. Your mentor will have one-on-one calls with you to help you navigate through exploring career options and making decisions. They can also put you in touch with others who are already working in areas that you are interested in and let you know of opportunities that fit you.

Taking part in the programs involves at least three hours a week. Two hours of guided independent exploration and one hour in a discussion session with 3-4 participants and one facilitator.

The Career Workbook

If you are doing the program, this is the workbook for you to use:

EA Career Workbook

Three different programs

We recommend working through these programs in order, but your career mentor will help you decide what is best for your situation during your initial call.

[1] Exploring cause areas

In this program, you will explore some of the world's most pressing problems, gaining exposure to cause areas you might want to contribute to with your careers. Each week, you will investigate a cause area of your choice, with the help of our cause area database directing you to our recommended resources.

In this program, you will explore some of the world's most pressing problems, gaining exposure to cause areas you might want to contribute to with your careers. Each week, you will investigate a cause area of your choice, with the help of our cause area database directing you to our recommended resources.

In the first week you will:

  1. Fill in the worksheet and submit it to your career mentor
  2. Have a one-on-one call with your career mentor

Each week for the following eight weeks you will:

  1. Select a cause area you want to look into from our database (or you can choose one we haven't added yet as well)
  2. Do research on the cause area and prepare a presentation
  3. Take notes on the key aspects of what you learned and be ready to report your learning to the group
  4. Present on the cause you investigated with your cohort of 3-4 participants and 1 facilitator.

[2] Finding ways to make a difference

In this program, you will explore career paths aiming to make a difference in the causes you most prioritize. Each week, you will investigate a career path of your choice, with the help of our career path database directing you to our recommended resources.

In the first week you will:

  1. Fill in the worksheet and submit it to your career mentor
  2. Have a one-on-one call with your career mentor

Each week for the following eight weeks you will:

  1. Choose a career path you want to investigate (sometimes from our database)
  2. Investigate the career path through our recommended resources (or any other sources you find)
  3. Construct a journey map of how you might peruse this path
  4. Write out your uncertainties about the path and how you might resolve those uncertainties
  5. Participate in a 60-minute discussion session with 3-4 participants and 1 facilitator, in which you will discuss the career paths that each participant looked into, learning from each other and helping each other resolve their uncertainties.

[3] Next steps and optimizing your year

In this program, you will make a plan for how to best use your upcoming year and make progress on that plan.

In the first week you will:

  1. Fill in the worksheet and submit it to your career mentor
  2. Have a one-on-one call with your career mentor that will help direct you to prioritize what action items to work on for the next four weeks.

Each week for the following eight weeks you will:

  1. Work on some of your action items such as:
  2. Participate in a 30-minute check-in session with 3-4 participants and 1 facilitator, in which you will discuss what you worked on last week, what you plan to work on in the following week as well as sourcing feedback and advice from the group.